
Showing posts from March, 2021

Developing grit

     Kids just like adults have down days.  Days when it seems like everything and everyone is against them,  just like Alexander in Judith Voists book "Alexander, and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day".  Poor Alexander has one thing after another happen to put a damper on his day.  At the end of the story Alexander announces that he is just going to move to Australia thinking it would be better there than where he was at.  His mom lovingly informs him that "Some days are like that even in Australia."  (Voist 1972)          How do we teach our kids to push through those bad days and look forward to the good days?  How do we teach our kids to persevere or have what Angela Duckworth calls "grit"?  Check out this YouTube video clip of some Disney's finest examples of grit.       The overall theme to grit seems to be getting back u...